1. Drudge Report
To be perfectly honest I am not sure this is a blog. It has news. There's commentary. And it's heft in the conservative sphere is unquestionable. Why? To be honest, I can't quantify it. My suspicion is that fear is a motivating tool to Matt Drudge's fan base. The stories he deems most relevant are usually reminiscent of anarchy, liberal unrest, whatever those damn Europeans are doing, and the latest fashion news from Michelle Obama. Drudge never fails to hype the military, mock liberal politicians, and hype whatever those terrorists in the Middle East are doing (or just brown people, anywhere).
I check this out every once in a while because you'll occasionally find something interesting here. Yeah, some of them are the kind of headlines stories that never make it in reputable news circles, but every now and then I consider "the monkey who learned to love" a worthwhile story. Not to mention, Art of War: "Know Your Enemy" - even if it makes you dead inside.
2. Think Progress
I feel like this is one of the best organized blogs I have encountered. Especially coming after Drudge Report. It's blatantly liberal, as the term progressive implies, but it doesn't have as much of a stink of the wishy-washy like The Huffington Post and DailyKos.
I particularly like the "What We're Fighting For" and "What We're Fighting Against" on the right side of the screen, with its color-coded bars corresponding to the headlines of the main stories on the page. What doesn't directly relate to the color code is subtitled i.e. "Radical Right-Wing Agenda" or "Media Accountability".
3. Tree Hugger
Why not! We're in the Green Revolution right now. Why not title yourself something I shamelessly associate with the profane rants of an obese third grader (South Park). Tree Hugger is simultaneously a guide to thinking green and striving to wrap your head around esoteric environmental policy. Plus, it's a subsidiary of Discovery.
Science is cool now. If you don't watch Discovery you're un-American. By that logic, you really should read this blog. It's moderately well presented - could be better with a cable network providing funds. Tree Hugger is also really well integrated. Not only does it have forums for trolls like me, but it's also on Twitter for the real cool kids (I'm sorry if you love Twitter).
14 years ago